Finding foods made with whole grain is easy. Just look for these quick tips when you buy foods in your supermarket.

  1. Scan the Ingredient List

Foods made with whole grain – such as wheat, oats, corn, or rice – will be listed on the top of the ingredient list. The word “whole grain” of “whole” must appear before the grains name in the ingredients list. Foods that claim to be “multi grain” “100% wheat” or “high fiber” are not necessarily whole grain.

2. Take Note of the Health Statement

The government authorized statement, points out the connection between whole grain foods and health. Whole grain foods that meat certain requirements can carry the following message. Look for it on the product’s label.

“Diets rich in whole grain and plant foods, and low in total fat, saturated fat, and

cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and come cancers.”
